I think juicing can be really intimidating at first! What do you juice? Will it taste good? How do I even use a juicer? These were my big questions at first. With Pinterest as my guide I found some good recipes that wouldn't leave me with the taste of grass in my mouth.
When I first started juicing one of my biggest complaints was how long the process was. Finding the right veggies and fruits, juicing them all (with pealing and cutting before) and then cleaning! It took for-ever. Not ideal for a girl on the go! I talked about this frustration with a cousin of mine this past Christmas and he mentioned that he freezes his juice, fabulous idea! And just like that I loved juicing again.

Here is my current juice concoction:
4 large cucumbers
1 bundle of celery
1 bag of kale
2 grapefruits
2 green apples
Once I juiced everything, I mixed it all together and evenly divided it for I have my juice lunch for the next 2 weeks!
In the morning I take my frozen juice out of the freezer to let it defrost and then add about a cup of coconut water when I am ready to drink!
Let me know what some of your favorite juicing recipes are!