Happy winter! I have been so so so excited for all of the joys that this fabulous season brings, sights, smells, lights, friends, family, you name it- I love it! Similar to this post about my love of fall, I decided to put together a list of things I want to do to celebrate winter!
1. Spend a night walking around the neighborhood to see Christmas lights.
2. Have a fabulous New Years Eve, maybe wear this uh-mazing dress!
3. Host a girls night in and watch chick-flicks for Valentines Day
4. Make a snowman.
5. Go to a cabin and relax by the fire with family.
6. Decorate cookies to give to neighbors for the holidays.
7. Try not to fall while ice skating.
8. Indulge in peppermint lattes.
9. Donate to Toys for Tots, food bank, or another local charity.
10. Keep my New Years Resolutions (at least until the end of February)
What is on your winter to-do list?

Kira in the snow in Chicago
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