December 31, 2014

New Years Resolutions

The end of the year gives us time to reflect on what we accomplished and what we hope for in the next year. We are thrilled to start of 2015 with a bang!

Fave throwback NYE pic, we thought it was just a picture of us haha...

Blog Resolutions

Take more pictures - We both got new DSLR camera's this year. We want to have a lot more photography on the blog and take more pictures for Instagram! In addition to taking more picture we would also like to really learn how to use our DSLR's!

Post every day - This can be a hard one, especially with traveling, jobs, holidays, and life! But posting everyday will keep us excited and enthusiastic.

Try out new things, even if they don't work out - Sometimes a post doesn't work out, and that's fine! We think that being honest and trying new things is what makes blogging fun!

Network - We want to put ourselves out there more, meet up with other Bay Area bloggers (anyone out there wanna meet up?!), go to local events, and spread the word about this little blog.

Ashley's Resolutions

Explore the world  - I already have a few trips planned; LA with Kira and our friend Nicole, a girls trip with my college roomies, East Coast for 4th of July! I just want to throughly enjoy this year and have fun and inexpensive trips planned!

Keep doing creative things outside of work  - My job can be very technical at times, so I really want to make sure I am tapping into my creative side through mini-side projects.

Find fun ways to workout  - I really want to up my workout game in 2015, and not only that I want it to be fun with friends. Hiking, swimming, dance classes, and trendy workout classes are at the top of my list!

Spend time with family and friends - I really really want to put in effort this year to make plans with people. Lunch date with my Aunt? Coffee with a friend from college? Trip to a museum with an old co-worker? I want to have lots of things planned out this year with people that I don't see as often.

Kira's Resolutions

I'm really trying to just live life day by day! Planning for the future is hard and you never know what surprises life will throw at you. That being said there are a few things I really want to focus on in 2015!

Cook More - I don't think of myself as a cook but I always enjoy trying out new recipes. Blogging with Ashley has really made me step out of my comfort zone and cook things I would have shied away from before, AKA those brie stuffed pretzels. Intimidatingly delicious!

Exercise - With my new work schedule I haven't been able to play soccer like I was before, so instead I was just doing nothing. I really want to find a fun and consistent way to fit exercise into my schedule.

Travel - I always want to travel more. Day trips, domestic, international, i'll take it all! I don't think that will ever change!

Move - I really want to find a new place to live that will be more functional for my life and closer to my job!

Happy New Years! What are some of your resolutions!?


December 23, 2014

Shopping Tips for the Procrastinator!

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe that Christmas is only a few days away? We can't either! We spent this weekend prepping for family gatherings, shopping, and enjoying that last weekend of the holiday season. Foe those of your who put off your shopping until the last minute, below are some clever gift ideas that you can put together quickly (and inexpensively)

DIY Gardeners Gift Set

Green Thumb

Included: seeds, a pot, gloves, and shovel. All things you can find at your local 

Ridiculously cute martini party favor ~Cute idea but uhh...are the olives supposed to be thrown in there like that?...~

Cocktail Artist 

Included: martini glasses (found at the dollar store!),  a cocktail book, fancy straws 

                              A Gift In a Tin: Movie Night in a Tin | The DIY Mommy

Friday Night In with a Friend

Included - a "gift" of a Redbox movie, fancy popcorn, a bottle of wine

                          38 Best DIY Food Gifts  Maybe it's not a flat-screen TV, but everyone's gotta eat. These make great party favors or a nice gift for a party host.

Cupcake Lover

Included : baking cups, sprinkles, decorating items.

For fans of the Serial podcast. Mail...Kimp? | Teespring

 The Serial Lover 

Included - a print out of all of the documents from the website, a box of cereal, promise of a "let's figure it out day", Mail Kimp t-shirt

Good luck with all of your last minute shopping! 



December 18, 2014

Fashion Friday: Favorite Fits of 2014

Happy Friday! As this year comes to a close we thought we'd look back on the year and some of our favorite outfits! 

Cookie Decorating Party!

This past weekend we hosted a cookie decorating party and invited all of our close girlfriends over.  It was fun to see so many friends from different parts of our life come together and get to know each other. College friends, high school friends, work friends, it was a lot of fun.

We made shortbread cookies and gingerbread cookies the day before so they would be ready to decorate in time for the party.

We also had three different cocktails for people to try; cranberry fizz, hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps, and rum cider - recipes are below!

For munchies we dished out some latkes, caprese bites, a cheese plate, and a fruit platter.

We had some Christmas music going, some festive holiday movies in the  background and a fun spread of frosting and sprinkles to decorate our cookies. We were both impressed by how creative some of our friends got with their cookies!

Cranberry Fizz - cranberry juice, St. Germaine, club soda, and gin. Mix in pitcher and serve over ice.

Spice Rum - 8 cups of apple cider, 4 cups of cranberry juice, 3 cinnamon sticks, 1/2 cup of sugar, and orange with about 24 cloves stuck into it. Let simmer for 2 hours and serve warm with a dark rum.

What holiday festivities are you looking forward to with friends and family? Whatever you do have fun and enjoy your loved ones this season, and all seasons!


December 16, 2014

Interweb Goodies

Happy Wednesday!!! Can you believe we are already half-way through the week? Take a look below at some of our fave finds from this week!

Ashley is loving Real Simple's guide to holiday decorations

One of our favorite shows, Parks and Rec is coming back for it's final season this spring - the first trailer looks great!

Lauren Conrad's go-to gift guide for co-workers, or really anyone on your list.

A guide to looking polished... seriously everyone needs this in the new year!

We are huge Walking Dead fans, here is an awesome list of gifts to give the fan in your life.


December 11, 2014

Fashion Fridays: Our Fashion Wish Lists

Happy Friday!! This Fashion Fridays we are divulging into our Fashion Wish-Lists! Whether it's for Hanukah, Christmas, or our own shopping list these items are at the top!


My list is inspired by all things classic. Black and tan gloves to wear while walking to work and a bright dress to throw on with tights. A classic gold ring with an unexpected twist is perfect for day-to-night events! I'm really wanting a goof black cross body bag for going out with friends, I'm seriously loving this Marc Jacobs one! A classic trench is a huge "want" just something that I know I would get a lot of use out of! I'm really wanting some art deco inspired earrings and a new simple silver watch to wear with a simple dress. And lastly black slip on's to wear while running errands around town.

Fashion Wishlist

I love that this list has nothing I need, truly only items I want. I have been searching for the perfect black booties and am always in search of the perfect sequin dress for New Years or my birthday. I know they are a little/a lot gaudy and kinda grandma-y but I love sequins and one day the perfect sequin dress will be mine! I'm also falling in love with these tartan Doc Martens, so much so I may actually need them. I'm also falling for wrap coats but fear I might just look like i'm wearing a bathrobe...

Enjoy our lists and share whats on your own wishlists!


DIY Gold Ornaments

Think these ornaments are super chic (like Crate and Barrel / Z Gallerie chic?) Us too! Which is why we are so excited to share that they are both easy and cheap to make.


Hot Glue
Twine (string or ribbon will work great too!)
Spray paint (we picked gold but any color would look great)

Decide your shapes and glue!

You will want to put a small drop of glue on the tips of the toothpick and then quickly match it up with the other toothpick. Hold for a couple of seconds and then move to the next!

Once they have dried spray with your spray paint for an expensive finish!

Take your twine and loop it through and there are your ornaments!

We had so much fun making these! Let us know how yours turn out!


December 9, 2014

Interweb Goodies

Who doesn't love a little Tiffany's? This wedding shoot gives a classy nod to the classic store.

Ashley's Mom made this uh-maze-ing cake for her brother's birthday last night

Have anyone on your holiday shopping list that loves pop culture? Here are some cool finds!

This makes me want to read (or re-read) every book on this list.

During the holidays it can be hard to get yourself motivated for work and other obligations, these are some helpful ways to keep you going!

Happy reading!


Ugly Sweater Party

Tis the season to wear hideous holiday sweaters for fun! and sometimes even for a good cause!

Last weekend I attended an ugly sweater party that benefited Toys for Tots. It was held at Elixir, a small bar in the Mission District of San Francisco. It was cozy and cute, decorated with stockings and lights. The party was pretty mellow but it was nice to catch up with friends and grab an afternoon drink. Each toy you brought got you a drink ticket! So it was a fun and festive way to encourage folks to participate, plus a nice way to give back to the community.

Whatever your plans this season and whatever you celebrate remember to give back or help out where you can! Happy Holidays!


December 4, 2014

Fashion Fridays: Office Holiday Party

Happy Friday! Now that it is December we can officially, without shame get into the holiday spirit! This year both of us are attending office holiday parties. We wanted to be able to dress for the occasion but also be work appropriate. Both of our offices are pretty casual M-F so we just wanted to spice it up a bit. Enjoy!

Ashley's fit: Scarf {Traget}, Sweater {Gap}, Skirt {H&M} Tights {Target}, Shoes {Thrifted}, Bag and Earrings (Marc Jacobs}, Watch {Michael Kors} 

On Kira: Jacket {Bananas Republic} Sweater {Gap} Pants {Forever 21} Shoes {Urban Outfitters} Belt {Ashley's}

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!


We're Obsessed: Serial

Serial is currently the #1 podcast in all the land, beating out it's very own creator/predecessor  This American Life. Essentially Serial is a murder mystery. Listeners follow along with narrator Sarah Koenig as she works her way through a 1999 murder case.

The podcast is popping up everywhere! It is interesting and captivating and impressively thorough. Koenig collects so many interviews and follows every lead big or small. There are currently 10 episodes with more to come. Episodes are released every Thursday and once you start listening Thursday will become a highly anticipated day!

Both Ashley and I began listening after multiple episodes had been released and we quickly devoured them. Now we have caught up and have to wait with the rest of the world as we tune in week by week to see how the case unfolds. Warning! Do not look up too much stuff online about the case, there are spoilers aplenty. Also like most popular main stream culture there has been a lot of criticism of Serial. Some I may agree with others not so much. I won't tell you how to feel but I would like to remind you that this is a real life murder case. People are effected by this. It is easy to get caught up in the story and the twists and turns, trust me we both have. Just remember that someone lost a life and that people lost a daughter,sister, friend. Just be conscious of what your consuming and enjoy.


December 2, 2014

Interweb Goodies

Solange killed at her wedding, so we should have expected only greatness from her honeymoon, she did not disappoint! Check out these great fashion tips via Fader & Solange

We never thought of putting anything else besides dead Presidents on our money... how limiting. Travis Purrington however thought far beyond Abe and George when he redesigned American currency into beautiful science themed notes.

Bros Being Basic is simply fantastic. They got it #spoton

Our friend Nicole's college buddy is the guy in this soon-to-be-viral video. Let's just say, never make a bet that you won't keep!

How acting like an entrepreneur can help you in your workplace (even if you aren't trying to be an entrepreneur)

Giving Back

Since we are in the beginning of the holiday season, the season where we can easily get caught up in what we want and shopping and spending money, it's important to remember others. Especially those who may not be as fortunate as yourself! There are countless opportunities for you to give back to your community, here's a few of our ideas...

to your local food bank
to Toys 4 Tots
warm clothes, especially coats!
linens/sheets to animal shelters
toiletries to shelters/food banks
books/school supplies to local schools/youth organizations

Spend some time at your local...
Soup Kitchen - help prepare or serve a meal
Senior Center - have a great conversation with someone wiser than you
Animal shelter - cuddle up to some furry friends

What ever you choose to do this holiday season just remember it's often better to give than to receive!
