March 27, 2014

Reading Celebrity Style

I was recently reading my December issue of InStyle (I know a little late) and I read that both Cameron Diaz and Drew Barymore have new books. Cameron's is a book all about the body, eating healthy, and the real science behind staying fit. It seems like a great read - perfect timing too as many people have New Year's Resolutions that they might be now slacking on and want to start up again! Drew's is a photography book in which she finds hearts in un-expected places. These both sound like such fun books and I will definitely be checking them out!

When I read this article I thought about all of my other favorite books written by some celebrities and I thought I would share them with all of you and to hopefully to inspire some reading this Spring!

The Honest Life - Jessica Alba. This book is all about living organically and pestisite-free! She has everything from what ingredients should or should not be in your shampoo to what fruits you need to purchase organically. It has given me a whole new outlook when shopping! Plus is has adorable pictures of her whole family and easy-going lifestyle. 

Celebrate - Pippa Middleton. Pippa’s fabulous book is all about what she does best - party plan! She gives you great tips for different parties during each season. From children’s parties to a Scottish style highland tea, she covers everything from food to serve to decorations and color themes. 

Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible - Tim Gunn. As a huge Project Runway fan I think that automatically means that I am a big Tim Gunn fan. His book covers all things fashion and it isn't your typical “don’t wear this, wear this instead” book. It truly discusses the history of each item that he covers. 

Decoded - Jay-Z. I am a huge Jay-Z fan and this book does not disappoint. It is a great one to have on any coffee table as it has a very interesting cover and great stores inside. It covers his time growing up and rise to fame, while dissecting his song lyrics along the way. 

Style and Beauty - Lauren Conrad. I love love love Lauren Conrad’s books almost as much as I love her. It is the perfect go-to guide for everything. Lauren goes through the basics of fashion and beauty in an all comprehensive guide for any girl. 


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