April 22, 2014

Earth Day

First off shouldn't we treat everyday as Earth day!? I mean technically everyday is unless your an astronaut or alien... but before I go off on a complete tangent lets get back to the holiday.

So today is Earth Day, yay Earth! I surely take you for granted but I must say you are great. I'm a huge fan of air and trees, waters not bad either. So my sincerest thanks to you on this day and every day for I truly wouldn't be here without you.

There are countless ways one can be kind to mother earth but one of my most favorite ways is to recycle. Not just sorting bottles and cans but really reusing items and thinking outside the box when it comes to giving old items new life. I recently went to a great event at the Richmond Art Center entitled: Upcycle. It was a free event that featured interactive booths on various ways to upcycle. Up cycling is essential giving life to old items, finding unique and practical applications to things that might otherwise be thrown out. They had booths on quilting, mosaics, screen printing and my personal favorites; smoothies made via bicycle and crafting items out of intertubes from bikes!

It was so cool to take these random items and create something beautiful and something I will actually use again and again. My friend made a wallet out of the inter tubing, one that she now uses everyday while I made a hair bow/ bow tie to be worn in the future. I also made a little pouch as a gift for a friend. It was fun and it really helped to open up my mind on how to reuse old items.

It was a great event for a great cause. I grew up taking classes at The Richmond Art Center and it was so nice to revisit the space and to see the positive things happening in Richmond. We often get a bad rap but it is a great city with great opportunities and potential.

Have a beautiful Earth Day and remember to do something nice for the Earth today and everyday! Tune back in Friday for a post on recycled fashion and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram for updates throughout the week!


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