July 8, 2014

Amazing Apps : 7 Minute Workout

It's been a little while since we talked about our fave apps... our bad! Today we are highlighting a fab-u-lous little workout app. The 7 Minute Workout is a great find! It is super easy to use; you simply start the clock and it gives you twelve 30-second tasks (push-ups, crunches, wall sits, lunges, etc.) with a short break in-between. By the end of the 7 minutes you will be feeling great! And no excuses, it's only 7 minutes, easily completed during a commercial break! Check out how we've been using the app below.

Warm Up: Kira uses it as a warm up for a longer workout. It is a great easy way to start out and get your blood pumping. She will continue after the 7 minutes with more crunches, squats, pushups, or whatever else she is feeling.

Make It Your Own: Ashley will sometimes use the app as a great way to focus on one part of the body. It can easily become a seven minute arm, leg, butt, or ab workout. You can also customize the app to include your own favorite moves or stretches.

Traveling: It is the perfect workout to use while you are traveling because you don't need too much space or equipment. You really just need your body, a floor and a wall. And lucky for us, those seem to come pretty standard most everywhere we've traveled!

In Between Job Apps/ As a Healthy Mental Break: While Ash was applying to jobs she would do 7 minutes between appt. It is a great mental break and a much healthier one in comparison to watching 30 mins of an old Keeping Up With The Kardashian's episode! (We all have our guilty pleasures)

Another great option with the 7 Minute Workout is the option to add in different activities and expand the type of workouts avaliable! Ashley is really wanting to add the Pilates workout!

What are some of your favorite workout/health apps - we wanna know!!

Make sure to follow along on Twitter and Instagram!


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